Specialist High Skills Majors (SHSM)

St. Thomas Aquinas SHSM Application 

The Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) is a ministry-approved program that allows students to focus their learning on a specific economic sector while meeting the requirements for the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). This career-focused program is designed to help prepare students for the transition from secondary school to apprenticeship, college, university, or the workplace. 

STA has 5 SHSM programs + 1 SHSM program run by LDCSB 

  1. Arts & Culture (Ms. Shore-Talbot) 
  2. Construction (Mr. Derbyshire & Mr. Gee) 
  3. Health & Wellness (Ms. Ryan & Ms. Shamoon) 
  4. C.T. (Mr. McIntosh) 
  5. Non-Profit, Education & Child Care (Ms. Clark & Ms. Walker) 
  6. Aviation (LDCSB staff) 


5 components of SHSM: 

  1. A specific bundle of 8-10 credits (Grade 11 & 12) + Coop (Run by Guidance) 
  2. Sector-recognized certifications and/or training courses (Run by Lead Teacher) 
  3. Experiential learning activities within the sector (Run by Lead Teacher) 
  4. Reach ahead experiences connected with the student's chosen post-secondary pathway (Run by Lead Teacher) 
  5. Development of key essential skills and work habits required in the sector (Run by Lead Teacher) 


Some activities may occur outside of the school day and therefore it is important that the student and parent recognize the additional commitment required. All aspects (including coop) of the program must be met prior to graduation in order for the student to acquire the SHSM Red Seal on their diploma. 

How To Sign Up 


 See application link below:
