Virtual Tour
Office Hours
7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m
Mrs. Cheryl Sywyk
Vice Principals
Mrs. Suzana Penich (for students with surnames beginning with A-F)
Mr. Glen Woodburn (for students with surnames beginning with G-M)
Mr. Jason Steffler (for students with surnames beginning with N-Z)
Office Supervisor
Ms. Laurel Soanes
School Superintendent
Ms. Ana Paula Fernandes
School Trustee
Mrs. Linda Steele
School History
St. Thomas Aquinas was built in 1994. The school building constitutes 152,314.31 sq. ft., and the site encompasses 8.180 hectares. St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Secondary School is located in the north-west sector of London, Ontario, adjacent to a popular subdivision known as “Byron”. The school was built with the expectation that it would house 945 (“on the ground”) students. Its peak capacity hit approximately 1800 students (in the late 1990’s), and currently, 1200 students are enrolled.
The school is well known throughout South-Western Ontario as a school with a proud tradition of strong academic focus, tremendous athletic successes, and magnificent artistic performances and programs, all embedded within a community that celebrates its Catholic faith first and foremost. The school has a double gym, fitness room, library, performance stage and an indoor track.
Mission Statement
The purpose of St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Secondary School is to present the Catholic tradition and teachings in all our pedagogy to prepare our students to meet the demands of modern life within the context of the gospel.
Transportation Information
Approximately 60% of our students are registered as school bus riders. Students living more than 3.2 kilometres from the school, and living within the school boundary, are eligible for Board-sponsored bussing.
School Safety
St. Thomas Aquinas has a uniform policy, and a strict local Code of Conduct. The school also has a Security Guard, in addition to one vice-principal. Supports for STA’s strong commitment to nurturing and maintaining a safe school community include:
- Safe Schools Committee
- Pre-set suspension program aimed at deterrence
- Part-time nurse and social worker assignments
- Chaplaincy leader
- Student success teacher
- Three guidance counsellors
Prayer of St. Thomas Aquinas
Grant us, O Lord our God, minds to know you, hearts to seek you,
wisdom to find you, conduct pleasing to you, faithful perseverance in waiting for you, and a hope of finally embracing you.
wisdom to find you, conduct pleasing to you, faithful perseverance in waiting for you, and a hope of finally embracing you.