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Valentines Day
Valentines Day

Graduation Photos
Graduation Photos

STA Volleyball Alumni Game
Looking for Alumni players to play next year for the school's 35th anniversary in 2025/2026

Parking at STA
Parking Notice - September 2024.

Daily Announcements
Read The Daily Announcements Here!
District News

LDCSB Achieves Goal of Air Conditioning in All Classrooms
The London District Catholic School Board (LDCSB) has achieved its goal of installing air conditioning (AC) in every school classroom. As part of a long-term plan, the project took years to complete.

Top Capital Priorities Include Two New High Schools and Four New Elementary Schools
The fast-growing London District Catholic School Board (LDCSB) will be submitting business cases to the Ministry of Education this month for six new schools in the region.

LDCSB Receives Funding for New Elementary School Just West of London
The Ministry of Education has announced that it has granted approval and $20.6 million in benchmark funding for a new elementary school and childcare centre in Middlesex Centre.
The new school, to be built just west of London in the Kilworth-Komoka area on a site yet to be determined, will have a capacity for 424 students as well as a five-room childcare centre.
The new school, to be built just west of London in the Kilworth-Komoka area on a site yet to be determined, will have a capacity for 424 students as well as a five-room childcare centre.

LDCSB Superintendents Update
Three new appointments for our fast growing school board.

Record-Breaking Growth Continues
The London District Catholic School Board (LDCSB) continues to be the fastest growing Catholic school board in the province, with a 30% increase in student population over the past five years. The record enrollment is also driving a massive hiring push and new construction projects.