
Welcome to Music at STA! In our music program, we strive for excellence in instrumental and vocal music. In enrolling in courses in Music at STA, the emphasis of creation and performance of music at a level consistent with previous experience is aimed. The development of technique, sensitivity and creation is a common goal in music class at STA. Students also develop musical literacy skills by using critical and reflective analysis processes in pieces/songs, performance and a range of analytical activities. Students will also develop an understanding of the conventions and elements of music and of safe practices related to music (i.e. vocal health, instrumental care) and will develop a variety of skills transferable to other areas of their life. Come be a part of a great music program lead by Mrs. Lourenco!
ENSEMBLES: We also provide great opportunity to expand your knowledge and performance desires outside of the classroom through Concert Band and STA Singers and of course our Fall School Shows. Please inquire with Mrs. Lourenco in the music room about how to be a part of these great ensembles!
AQUINAS MUSIC SPIRIT WEAR is available Click here!