Health and Physical Education
Health and Physical Education Department
Welcomes You
At STA we offer a variety of different physical activities that will help promote healthy active living for a lifelong pursuit. Our PPL courses focus on activities that are game oriented while the PAF courses focus on individual fitness activities. Your choice depends on what appeals to your physical activity interest. Our goal is to keep students active every day! Both courses offer an excellent opportunity to be active—why not take each one!
Specialty Programs
Specialist High Skills Major
AIM is a Specialist Skills Major which is a multi- pathway program based on senior Phys. Ed. Courses, plus community partnerships, sector recognized certifications and reach ahead experiences, while still meeting the requirements of the OSSD. Students will have the opportunity to explore careers in the fields of Kinesiology, Physical Education, Recreation Leadership and Health Education. Ask a Phys. Ed. Teacher for more information.

Healthy Active Living
PPL10f (female) or PPL10m (male)
Healthy Living and Personal and Fitness Activities
PAF10f (female) or PAF10f (male)

Other Course Opportunities at STA:

Grade Ten
Healthy Active Living PPL20f/m
Personal and Fitness Activities PAF 20f/m
Large Group Activities PAL 20
Grade Eleven
Healthy Active Living PPL30f/m
Personal and Fitness Activities PAF30f/m

Grade Twelve
Healthy Active Living PPL40
Personal and Fitness Activities PAF40f/m
Recreation and Healthy Active Living Leadership PLF4U
Introductory Kinesiology PSK4U
Sports Management IDU4U
*AIM Program (SHSM Health and Wellness or Sport) opportunity for students taking senior Health and Physical Education Courses