A Prayer Offered in Gratitude

We have just completed 4 weeks of learning in ways in we have never previously undertaken or contemplated, be it in person learning with strict health and safety protocols, adapted learning in an Octomester model or remote virtual learning.
We have witnessed the efforts of so many people who have made our schools safe and have made them places of welcome, community and care. The following prayer is taken from Concord Pastor this past Saturday. It is a prayer offered in gratitude and praise for all the ‘good people, fine people, generous people’ in our schools and community. THANK YOU to each and every one of you!
They're all around me, Lord!
They're everywhere!
Good people, fine people: all around me:
folks who care for others, selflessly,
with not a hint of complaint,
no expectation of reward...
So many good people, Lord:
folks who work behind the scenes,
who do the tasks that others won't,
who find their greatest joy in giving...
Good people, Lord:
already busy with their own
and yet they find the time
to reach to those in need...
Generous people, Lord,
whose very presence is a gift
and makes a difference
- long after they've gone home...
They're all around me, Lord -
good people everywhere -
and I'm grateful just to know them
and for all they give and do...
So, open my heart today, Lord
and help me be a helper;
open my eyes to those in need
and make of me a ready, cheerful giver...
They're all around me, Lord!
They're everywhere -
and for this I give you thanks and praise!